I read An Apprenticeship or the Book of Pleasures in Spanish and it was so so magical. Her way of writing is magnetic and you always want more and more. The only downside is that her books in Spanish are so difficult to get even on Amazon. Maybe I’ll do a trip to Colombia and see if the libraries over there have her books. I love her so much. Thanks your writing about her and her amazing writing ♥️♥️I think Lispector needs more attention nowadays ♥️

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ahh yeah i wish her books were more readily available in all languages!! she definitely deserves so much more recognition!

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great piece! not gonna lie, as a brazilian i feel ashamed to say i’ve never read a full book of hers (maybe because i was forced to read The Hour of the Star for a class when i was 13 and found it boring) and i felt quite intimidated to start now as an adult. but you inspired me to try again! thankfully i own some of her books so i’ll give it a try. thank you for sharing! ❤️

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i totally get that!! being forced to read a book before you’re ready can totally turn you off of it. i’m glad this piece was able to inspire you to give her another try!

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I’ve been wanting to read Clarice lispector for the longest time. I am taking this as a sign.

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I had no idea those 4 books put together made up the photo Clarice so I just pulled them all out and arranged them properly and let out a little yelp. Obsessed.

Thank for you showcasing this amazing author. She is one of my favorites, if not alone in the top spot.

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they also make up an image on the back covers too!!

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I noticed that!

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it took me MONTHS to notice lmao

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Haha! I love that photo of her and recognized it immediately. But had it not been for your piece of writing, I’m not sure I’d ever figure out all the books went together. I’ve had them all for quite some time. 🤣

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love that hahaha

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I waited for an opportune moment to read because it’s what Clarice deserves! I’m so glad I did, and to gain your insights. I’m making my way through her work now, albeit slowly. I actually started with Too Much of Life because I thought it would be easier (and it is), but found her early short stories difficult. Still, I’m loooving everything!! I’m so glad I’m not the only big Clarice fan out there. I’m excited to see where her newfound fame will take her.

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yay!! so glad you liked it!! her work definitely needs to be read through slowly haha but it’s so worth it

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Aaaaa she's like my favorite author ever!! I love reading what others think of her as her writing has been such a joy (and pain) to me! I'm currently working on a review of Apple In the Dark as well, and I should definitely check out Moser's biography of Lispector as per your recommendation. Great stuff, can't wait to read more of your pieces :)

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ooh i’d love to read your review!!

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this is such a lovely tribute to her, I feel so inspired to read her work now! thank you for sharing!

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Beautiful piece about Clarice 🥰 She intrigues me so much but I haven't read anything by her yet, because she also intimidates me quite a bit 😂

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thank you!! ♥️ do you typically read your books in italian or english? idk about clarice’s italian translations but tbh i have no idea what it would be like to read clarice in english if it’s not your first language lol like the amount of times i have to reread sentences cause they make no sense on the first read!!

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That's what I'm afraid of 😂😱 I wanna try in English first, but I'll probably end up reading her books in Italian 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

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haha yeah as someone who ONLY knows english, sometimes reading her books made me question if i can actually read english lmaooooo. so do NOT feel bad if they’re hard to understand.

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this is making me to check out her works!!! 🫶🏾

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I loved this! I need to read Clarice asap!!! Grateful to have this comprehensive guide ❤️

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Been meaning to read more Clarice beyond her stories, thanks for reminding me! :)

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ah that makes me so happy!!

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confession: I felt unmoved by Near to the Wild Heart. her experience was so foreign to me - i did not understand any of the feelings she described! It felt as if Cathy from East of Eden wrote a stream-of-consciousness POV like a teenage version of Mrs. Dalloway. I am always willing to try again though! appreciate your perspective and insight

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haha she is totally not for everyone!! i feel like you have to be in a certain frame of mind to read clarice, and it’s ok if you don’t enjoy it!

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Oh you’ve written it thank you! 💛💛💛

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HAHA yup!! 💙

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